What’s Your Fear?
Fear holds us back again and again.
We miss opportunities out of fear.
We don’t start at all because of fear.
We’re afraid because of fear!
But fear is really insurance that keeps us safe, or stuck. Depends how you look at it.
Fear is what keeps us alive; our instincts and gut feelings doing their job to protect. But fear also paralyzes us. And we get angry at ourselves, don’t we? for being afraid to step out.
Just for today, pretend you don’t don’t have any fears. What would you do?
Fill in the blanks:
If I had no fear, I would _________________________.
If I was ______________ (select from suggestions below) I would __________________.
Some common fears, uhm, excuses:
- Taller
- Shorter
- Thinner
- Younger
- Smarter
- Had a degree (or more degrees)
- Knew somebody/Had connections
- Was more talented
- Could sing
- Could write
- Could draw a straight line
- Sew
- Hammer a nail
- Didn’t fear heights
- Wasn’t afraid to fly
- Could drive
- Had more money
- Had a car
- Had a spouse/partner
- Didn’t have a spouse/partner
- Had children/didn’t have children
- Was prettier
- A blonde
- A brunette
- Not bald
- Healthier
- Stronger
…of course the list goes on.
Forget any of these “answers”. They’re just more excuses for not doing what you are meant to do. And you already know that.
Step away from fear
Today, take a step ahead away from fear. Tell someone you trust one thing you want to do. Make yourself accountable to try to do one thing to move ahead. Agree to report back in a day or week. Do the same for that person — everyone is in the same boat.
Fear is all in our head. Okay, not if you are standing on a rooftop 600 feet above the street about to walk a thin tightrope between two buildings, without a net. That rising sick feeling in your belly IS FEAR for most of us. That too can be overcome.
Most of the fears we face are minor in scope but monumental in terms of us getting from where we are to where we want to be.
I repeat this idea often because it’s a big issue for me and many of my closest allies. The accountability thing really works. I’m embarrassed (more than fearful) to report back that I’ve not done what I’d promised. That’s good enough motivation for me.
Writing a query letter to pitch an idea to an editor or producer made my palms sweat. Silly, right? But for a long time it was the FEAR OF REJECTION that kept my letters and manuscripts in the drawer. I finally reasoned 1.I wasn’t getting any younger, and 2. What was really at stake here? Answer: Nothing.
I’m not afraid anymore. I send out an idea then move on to write the next one. If I get rejected, big deal. Nobody died. And I can do it every day now, without a net.
Graphic design and quote: Stephanie DelTorchio/Image: iClipArt
A turtle never gets anywhere unless he/she sticks there neck out. It’s so nice and safe in my shell, why should I stick my neck out? Answer – because if you don’t stick your neck out you will not get anywhere or accomplish your dreams! Dr. Seuss was rejected by 29 plublishers but kept trying and now has sold more children’s books than anyone. #BFAT and toss that fear aside!