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Live Your Truth Today
What Makes You Come Alive?
8 Ways To Shift Circumstances In Your Favor
When You Need A Lift
Your Life In A Sentence
Admit It
Be Memorable
Dinner For One
Call Your Mother
Ch-Ch-Ch Changes

Live Your Truth Today

Live your truth today quote/Steve Maraboli quote/Stephanie DelTorchio/befat.net/10.6.2016

Nobody can do it for us. And we, the collective Universe, want you to live your truth. Not somebody’s version of what we THINK is expected of us. Nobody can do you like you. Go …


Original graphic: Stephanie DelTorchio

What Makes You Come Alive?

What makes you come alive/empowerment/motivation/be awesome/#befat/Stephanie DelTorchio/befat.net

That idea, spark, trigger simmering deep inside, the thing that makes you come alive is what you truly want. You know it. You deserve it. But it’s up to you to make it happen.

Will you?

NOT doing the “thing” that’s in you should scare the crap out of you.

Be very specific about what you want. Write it down where you can see it. So when that little voice in your head tells you again and again that the world doesn’t need another “idea” like yours, you can stare it down, again and again. Tell it to Shut Up! Go Away!

Say yes to yourself. To your dream. Idea. “Thing”.

The world doesn’t need you playing small. The world needs you to play big. Love it, own it, live it.

Then go and do what makes you come alive. Today.

Original graphic: Stephanie DelTorchio
Quote: Howard Thurman

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8 Ways To Shift Circumstances In Your Favor

George Bernard Shaw quote/inspirational/motivation/befat.net/Stephanie DelTorchio/9.21.2016

Some things in this life we cannot change. And no amount of wailing or whining helps, regardless of how Oscar-worthy our performance. Blaming our circumstances as the reason we can’t or don’t move forward is an excuse.

“David,” the son of alcoholic parents was tossed around the foster care system with two younger siblings until he ran away for good at sixteen. One foster family changed his name to “Michael” because they had a son by the same name.

Despite David’s troubled childhood he went on to have an honorable life with a wife and family. Sadly, his brother and sister died young from substance abuse. David was able to reconcile with his elderly and ill father in time to mend some wounds before his death.

What separated David from his siblings? Why did he fare better?

In his own words, he “made different choices.” He couldn’t change the circumstances of his upbringing, he said. Water under the bridge. But he sure as hell needn’t let his future be controlled by his past.

Whether he was aware or not, David committed to specific tactics that changed his life. Here are few —

8 Ways to Shift Your Circumstances:

1.Let those people go

People rank high on this list. If they’re messing with you, do your very best to cut them off, wave sayonara, send them light and love and kick them the f*ck out of your life once and for all.

2. Take this job and shove it

Ditto for a job or boss who doesn’t honor your time or talents or plain out makes you miserable. You need employment for many years to pay-to-play in this world. Find something that you’ll happily trade your precious time for a paycheck. And for someone who will value your contributions, and reward you. Or do it yourself.

“Circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him.” – Wayne Dwyer 

3. Engage socially

Call on your tribe. Hang out with the right people, those who will support and share your ideas and ideals. Join groups or organizations that feed your mind and soul, if that’s what it takes. Often our circumstances will change based on the company we keep. 

4. Big changes need big action

We know the definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result. If it’s a big change in your circumstances you want to make, you’ll need to take some big and ballsy actions. Step out of your comfort zone. Stick all your fears in your back pocket and take them along. Be brave.

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” — Nido Qubein

5. Go back to your childhood

Think back to when you were young. What made you laugh and happy when you were playing? You probably played OUTSIDE even in the rain. For hours and hours. You lost track of time building a “jigger” (go-cart), ice-skating, playing sandlot baseball or domestic bliss with your Easy Bake Oven. Play again. Get lost in the day again. Be childlike not childish.

6. Accept what is truly out of your control

Besides crooked front teeth or tropical storms, there are times when life’s unfortunate circumstances can feel as if darts have been hurled in our direction. We escape as best we can using every resource and tool we possess. Still, even with all our hard core training, awards, college degrees and adult smarts, there are days when life is a slow trudge through the mud. You just do the best you can.

“You can often change your circumstances by changing your attitude.”– Eleanor Roosevelt

7. Practice Gratitude

Nothing pushes the woe-is-me off the wall like making a list of blessings in your life. From a roof over your head to a working bladder, giving a shout-out to the Universe for what you DO have is a humbling exercise. It’s not a bad plan to make a short list every day before your feet hit the worn carpet that you’re also grateful for.

8. Get Quiet

Take a walk. Read a book. Meditate. Pray. Whatever works to calm your breathing and put your mind in park. Call it returning to center. Focus. Give it a name if you must as long as the result is a peaceful state of rest.

Back to “David” for a minute.

A tough childhood may have explained his behavioral issues as a teenager or his hardened opinion on what makes a healthy family. But at some point in his life he let the swan sing its song. No lying…he needed to get tough on himself and fight through a lot of hurt and anger. He chose who he wanted to become. The result was, for him, a happy life.

When it comes to coping and/or outwitting the less tragic circumstances, be more strategic. (Note: Of course Big Shit circumstances require more time and more than a few boxes of Band-Aids to fix.)

There’s no magic potion or quick fix being offered here. Old-fashion grit and tenacity, and a willing spirit, can put the odds in your favor to shift your circumstances. Not to just survive but thrive.

Notes from me to you:

What are some of the ways you’ve tried in the past to shift your circumstances?
Please comment below. Your insights and tips will help other people.


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Original graphic & quote: Stephanie DelTorchio


When You Need A Lift

Inspirational Quotes | befat.net | Stephanie DelTorchio

Today I got to thinking about where to turn when I need an emotional lift. When I’m stuck or second-guessing whether this crooked and unmarked path I’m wandering on is right for me.

When I’ve come to fork in the road I call one of my closest friends. They know how much I appreciate their unconditional love and vice-versa. My group is small. And tight.

On any given day I can make a phone call or show up unannounced on their doorstep with my sorry heart in my hands, and fall at their feet.

My dear friends will make me a cup a tea — my BEST friends will uncork a bottle and point to a second, if necessary! — and just listen.

Our good friends** tolerate our neurotic behaviors, quirks, weird habits, outrageous trip-ups and misjudgements. They know us well. Today we’re the confused one, tomorrow it will be them.

A good friend supports your hopes and dreams. They don’t laugh at your wacky, “way out there” ideas. Or fluff you off.

They also won’t make it easy for you. Agree that you’re crazy for trying. Talk you into something easier, quicker, cheaper. Nope.

They won’t get in the trenches with you, no matter how hard you try to pull them in. Your tears of woe will only get you a hanky and handshake — my Mom loved saying this one. Go ahead and show off the cuts and bruises you’ve suffered for trying SO HARD already. Here’s a band-aid.

And put away the laundry list of excuses, too. A good friend will shred your list of twenty-nine reasons why you SHOULD NOT do whatever they know you SHOULD be doing. No matter how tired or beat up you feel, a good friend doesn’t pander to your whining when they know you’re out chasing your goals.

These beautiful sweeties say: “Hang on, my darling”. Then run into the basement to dig out the musty pom-poms.

A good friend is your loyal cheerleader.

Who promises to stick with you to the end. Through all the flops and failures. Half-starts and restarts.

A good friend shares your vision (even if they don’t get it).

A good friend loves you enough to shake up your world when you need it. Shoving you out the door, on your way. With kindness, of course.

A good friend believes in you, EVEN WHEN you stop believing in yourself.

**”Friends” is defined as anyone within your reach who supports you — parents, siblings, spouse, friends, children, teachers, coaches, mentors, spiritual leaders, employers, staff, etc.


Original graphic and quote: Stephanie DelTorchio










Your Life In A Sentence

Inspirational quote|befat.net

NOTE: I’m writing this post after reading author Dan Pink’s book, DRIVE. This is a snippet of information and I suggest you read his book for more information.

Have you ever been told that the way to conduct your life is to write your own obituary?

It’s a popular college assignment. And many life coaches ask their clients to write their obituary as a goal-setting exercise. You write the end of your story first and then set out to do all those great things you said you did.

In Dan Pink’s book, he poses an alternative assignment. He asks the question: “What is your sentence?”

The origin of the question is attributed to journalist and pioneering Congresswoman Clare Booth Lace –a badass in her day. Worried that the young President John Kennedy might be in danger of trying to do too much, she told him: ” a great man is a sentence”.  Meaning a leader with a clear and strong purpose could be summed up in a single line.

For example: “Abraham Lincoln preserved the union and freed the slaves.”

Martin Luther King lost his life by trying to better the lives of the African-American people.”

Pink says that to find your true motivation you don’t need to be president of anything for this exercise to work.

“To make your sentence come alive and provide motivation that lasts, ask yourself these two questions every day,” Pinks says:

1. What is my one sentence?
2. Was I better today than yesterday?

If your goal(s) has not yet been achieved, ask yourself: How do I live my life to line up with the sentences I say about myself?

I’m going to work on mine.*


Original graphic and quote: Stephanie DelTorchio
Image created with DreamSpace app.

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*For now: “She gave everything honest effort, and ate an obscene amount of chocolate” is a good start.

Admit It


I came to this planet with my head in the clouds; a certified daydreamer (and night dreamer, too). For most of my life dreaming about doing “that creative thing” took up more time than the time spent DOING it.

Dreaming is great for wasting time. It’s a cheery excuse for putting something off.

Maybe we feel stuck. Or not quite ready, yet. Someone told me that she is NOT going to start an exercise program until she loses 20 pounds. Huh?

Okay — dreams make us delusional. It’s all sunshine and rainbows when we close our eyes or zone out watching the ocean waves rise, curl and crash; repeat. In our dreams we ARE 20 pounds lighter. Or have  the credentials. Put the kids through school. Moved to the country. Retired.

Excuses. Excuses.

And here’s the crazy thing: We already know what it is we want to do. So why do we keep ourselves from doing the very thing we dream about?

Probably because a box of Oreos is harder to resist than four sets of hammer curls.


Original graphic and quote: Stephanie DelTorchio

Be Memorable

befat.net Be Memorable

For good or bad people form opinions about us. You can’t really change that. Or can you?

I had the pleasure of sharing a lovely afternoon with some dear former colleagues. A woman sitting next to me remembered several things that I’d said to her many, many years ago when my husband was first diagnosed with cancer.

Truthfully my recollection was rather weak, but hers, extremely sharp. She went on to say that when cancer struck her own family, my words came back to her. “This (disease) is bigger than us,” she recalled me saying in a calm voice.

Okay, if my memory serves me correct, I probably had accepted the facts laid out by the medical experts. Inside I felt a bit out of control, overwhelmed, fearful, confused, angry — but not calm! Apparently in my rather numb state I projected a air of Zen.

But to her these (forgotten) words, spoken in a controlled and rational voice not only comforted her but gave her much needed hope, she said. Who knew, right?

One of my favorite quotes of all time is from the late great American poet, memoirist and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou:

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. ~ Maya Angelou

Today I’m humbled that what I’d said many years ago stayed with my friend when the dark clouds rolled over her family. Knowing a brief random chat later on became (one of many other) sources of comfort and hope (her words) for her and her family is awesome. People who’d been through similar experiences provided her strength and courage to carry on. All because of a few words, dug out of her memory when she needed them most.

When we walk away from conversations, casual run-ins, marriages, careers, families, jobs, or friends, we may never know how we made that person “feel”, but they will remember. Good, or bad.

As nice as it was to hear how my words made her feel, it’s more important to me that whether I knew it or not, on that day, our family’s story of survival helped her take on a horrible situation and handle it well. In love. With faith. And hope.

And isn’t that why we are on this planet?


Original Graphic: Stephanie DelTorchio
Quote: Maya Angelou

Dinner For One


Having dinner alone conjures up thoughts of someone who is lonely or a traveler in a strange place with no friends. But honestly, sometimes the person having dinner alone, just wants to be alone. From her family. And the dog.


I’d had enough that day — stressful work, household drudgery, children pushing each others’ buttons, dandelions suffocating the lawn — all I wanted was a nice quiet meal with my family.

After work I picked up three kids from three different activities which could not be further apart and still be in the same city. Like mothers everywhere, after My Day Part One, I barely kicked off my shoes before throwing in a load of laundry, starting dinner and wrestling with homework. My Day Part Two.

It started like most stupid arguments do. The dog needed to be fed. And I’d hoped one of “them” wouldn’t find it too difficult to toss a cup of dried food into a bowl while I did “everything else”.

When the hubs arrived, he sat with the newspaper, instigated the kids, (“We’re just playing.”) and didn’t feed the dog. His world had no Part Two.

Nobody got to the table while the food was still hot, no matter how many times I threatened they’d eat it cold. Instead there was an undercurrent of bickering among the children. The only creature living in the house who minded her manners, and didn’t complain at the five o’clock hour, was the dog. She sat patiently waiting, looking to me to be fed.

Finally the family sat at the table, napkins under chins. “Did anybody feed the dog?” I asked while scooping mashed potatoes onto dinner plates. No big surprise; no response.

I left the table, taking up my plate, covered it in aluminum foil, put a cup of dried food in the dog’s dish and walked out the door. Okay, a bit dramatic. But it was a Thursday and I had one more day to go. I drove to one of my favorite spots by the waterfront, where, on a park bench with a stunning sunset view, I sat in peace and quiet and ate my chicken, mashed potatoes and salad.

A sweet young couple pushing a high-end baby carriage walked by. Ah, their first child. I could tell. All smiles and wide-eyed, smitten with the newness of parenthood. The BEST baby on the entire planet, they told me. Two months old. Cute. Adorable. THE. ENTIRE. PLANET.


Enjoy him, I said, and I meant it sincerely. I’d once been a new parent, sucked into the false advertisement of chubby cheeks, soft skin and melodic cooing at 9 a.m.

If not me, then somebody else would keep the park bench warm until the parents of the BEST child on the entire planet becomes a teenager. I sent them a silent blessing and finished my meal.

The sky changed from golden yellow to orange, and then beautiful streaks of pinks and purples danced on the still harbor.

Back at home things had settled down. The dishes were cleaned. Baths done. PJs on. Homework in progress. They were all happy to see me, especially the hubs, who squeezed me and said, “I fed the dog.”


Original graphic: Stephanie DelTorchio

Call Your Mother


Mom and me at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.

[Note: This essay has been published before, but in honor of my mother who passed away 15 years ago today, I’m revisiting it with a few minor edits. I’ve often described my mother not unlike M&M candy: hard and crusty on the outside, soft and sweet on the inside.]

I pulled a bag of blueberries from the freezer to make some muffins. Due to favorable growing conditions and some savvy harvesting, from time to time I can relive a bit of the past season, until next summer’s crop. The cooler air and barren trees are bitter reminders that people, too, come and go like seasons in our lives. My mother and I planted a relationship seed of our own one spring that did not survive another season. As crazy as she made me, I’d give all the blueberry crops in the world, to share a muffin with my mother. ***
The spring before she died, my Mother and I spent three glorious days as travel companions to beautiful Sedona, and the awe-inspiring Grand Canyon National Park. And it took eighteen months of self-directed primal scream therapy to reconcile my sanity from a trip which included sleep deprivation, several apologies, a foreign relations nightmare and one gigantic (I mean really, really big) blueberry muffin.

To say Mother traveled as well as a constipated three-year-old is an insult to toddlers everywhere.

“How long do we stand here watching that thing go around and around until our bags show up? I’m tired,” she said, keeping the conversation lively. “Where’s the bathroom? Look at the car rental line. We only have three days.”

Two seconds after tossing the bags in the trunk, she proposed a plan to split the trip’s expenses. “Food, travel, the hotels – everything,” she said.

We’d charge all expenses to my credit card. Later, my Dad would reimburse my full credit card bill, and I was to give Mother back half, in cash. They don’t teach enough of these creative money strategies in school. Still, my parents stayed married for fifty years.

From Phoenix airport and for the two hour drive up the mountains to Sedona, the car window remained down while Mother chain-smoked and criticized the shape of the clouds.

The unseasonable chill prickled my skin, a nice respite from my mother’s sermon on hot flash cycles and drooping vaginas.

She promised the plague of menopause would one day turn me into someone she would admit to not knowing.

Midway on the drive I pulled into a Verde Valley rest stop. In twenty-four hours no more than a one-ounce bag of airline peanuts had passed my lips. Whereas my mother survived on black coffee and Snickers bars, I required food with a shorter shelf life. When my tuna on toast arrived, she cut it in half. The splitting began.

That night in the motel room she lit a cigarette and opened the balcony slider which overlooked the picturesque Sedona highway traffic. She insisted fresh air at high altitudes improved her breathing and the coolness tempered her flashes.

I piled blankets, extra bed sheets and four bathroom towels over my shivering body. She pulled off half.

Somewhere in my dreams came a whisper: “It’s hot in here. I’m turning on the fan.”

At one a.m. I woke to the sound of chattering teeth. Mine. Mother hovered over me still whispering: “The whirling noise from the overhead fan is keeping me awake.”

At three a.m. the fire alarm went off.

Mother hurried to crack open the door. Her eyes darted in a REM sleep pattern I envied. In her most diplomatic Boston tone she said, to no one in particular: “What the hell are you people doing? Practicing a God damn Chinese fire drill?”

I nudged her away as twenty buses full of Oriental tourists descended on the motel. Men and women scurried up and down hallways in short quick steps. They dragged over-sized luggage and slammed doors with the choreographed precision of Rockettes. Several nodded politely as they passed by, shouting in a language we did not understand. But I’m sure they wondered if this American mother and daughter had weighed the pros and cons of traveling to Arizona together.

In the morning, before the drive to the Grand Canyon’s South Rim, we stopped at the Coffee Pot for breakfast. I looked forward to eating a hearty meal in preparation for the day hike planned for myself. The waitress set a plate of pancakes, bacon and eggs in front of me and an empty plate and coffee for my Mother.

As Mother reached for one of my pancakes, I pricked her hand with the fork. She didn’t flinch.

“I had six children with no anesthesia.”

“Listen, lady,” I said. “You’re going to make out financially in this deal. Get some food.” She helped herself to a pancake and shoved half the bacon in her purse, for later.

The waitress handed Mother the bill, who handed it to me.

For years the family heard Mother’s slim bucket list included a hot air balloon ride. Here was the chance to cross it off. All went well until the pilot fired up the burner. Just say, it would have been easier to rip a leg off a raw chicken than it was to get one of hers in the basket. I apologized to the captain who refunded my money despite the posted ‘No Refund’ policy. He offered a few extra bucks if I could stop her from frightening the other riders in line.

“Don’t do it,” she said to the people. “They can’t even steer the thing. You’re gonna fall from the sky and die. Is that what you want?” She glared in my direction and threw both hands in the air, a well-known Italian hand gesture, basically telling me where I could go.

Except for the frequent click of a cigarette lighter, for the next two hours we drove to the Grand Canyon in silence. At one point when I cleared my throat, she barked back. “We’re not talking right now.”

We sat side by side on a bench at the Visitor’s Center and admired the spectacular wonder before our eyes.
“It looks fake,” she said after two minutes of reflective silence. “How long are we going to stay?”

Despite security barricades, I seriously contemplated sneaking underneath to hurl myself over the edge. Instead I handed her a bag filled with cold drinks, a sandwich she could split with a park ranger or transport donkey for all I cared, a pack of cigarettes, three candy bars and a trashy romance novel. She’d be good for a month.

Approaching the path to the Bright Angel Trail, I turned back and caught her smiling, watching me. She pivoted away, lit a cigarette and buried her head in fictional affairs of the heart. When I returned hours later she was in the gift shop making conversation with the clerk, securing her twenty percent senior discount, waiting for my credit card.

The next morning, as we waited for our flight at the airport, I bought us coffee and me a muffin. My mother tallied up the credit card slips and bitched over our seat assignments.

“The airlines made a mistake,” I said. “So they gave you a first class seat. Just enjoy it.”

“What about you? You’ll be in the back of the plane all alone.”

“I think I can live without you for a few hours.” I said this as I unwrapped and buttered a blueberry muffin the size of an eight-inch layer cake. My mother eyed the thing but kept her poker face as she slid our three day tab across the table.

“I’ll get your father to write you a check. We should plan another trip.”

I brushed her words away. My focus was on the gargantuan baked good sitting like a mountain between us. It took two hands to place half in front of her. The irony of the moment hung out there. Our eyes locked.

“That butter is going to kill you,” she said, fiddling in her purse for a cigarette.

I pointed to the butt between her manicured fingers. “Really? And those aren’t?”

She held her cool eyes on me for a long time. Her voice softened a tad. “I have offered to share everything with you this whole trip and you wanted everything all for yourself.”

“Oh, yes, arrest me for eating a whole sandwich, all by myself.”

“You’re not funny,” she said. “Someday I’ll be gone and you won’t be able to share anything with me.”

I waited for the other shoe to drop, the one she always dropped. My mother kept her soft side in a secret compartment. It came out on rare occasions, like fine china, and this moment didn’t seem too special. She had a flare for the dramatic sometimes, and I thought this might be one of those times. Still, I took her lead and caved, and let my sarcasm fade.

“Mom, I would like to split this blueberry muffin with you.”

Her eyes sparkled. She nodded and managed the only full smile I’d seen in three days. Then she grabbed her first class ticket and stood up. “Fuck you,” she said and faded into the crowd.
The oven timer went off and the coffee was ready. I cut and buttered the muffin, and then pushed half aside. In the spring, a new crop of blueberries will bud and bloom. I’m hoping there will be lots to share.

P.S. If your mother is still around, call her. If she’s no longer here with you, send her a good thought today. The muffin’s on you.


Imagine: Personal

Ch-Ch-Ch Changes

befat.net C-c-c Changes by David Bowie

The death of music legend, David Bowie (January 8, 1947 – January 10, 2016) surprised his fans who learned he’d continued to make inventive, original music while living with cancer. Imagine the drive, desire and need to honor his creative genius while under the enormity of such a personal struggle.

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes was a reflective song about defying your critics and stepping out on your own. It became an anthem for teenagers in the 70s (like me) who were looking to find their place in life.

David Bowie, an artistic creature to his core, forever morphing, practiced what he preached — fearless and challenging art — right up to the end of his life.

His final anthem, Lazarus, according to Tony Visconti, the producer who worked with Bowie to complete his last album, was a gift to Bowie’s fans. “His death was no different from his life – a work of Art.”

To have such control of life until the flame goes out, should not only take all our breaths away, but propel us to create the life we are meant to live. Fearlessly. On purpose.


Image: Iren Petrova/Filtered
Music Lyrics: David Bowie
Graphic: Stephanie DelTorchio

Copyright 2012-2016 Stephanie DelTorchio All rights reserved.

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