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Category - Inspiration

Crazy Happy
This Life by the Numbers
Carpe Your F*cking Diem
Life Is Not Lost By Dying
With These Two Hands
Live Your Life Like A Movie
Show Me Yours and I’ll Show You Mine
To Survive and Thrive
8 Ways To Shift Circumstances In Your Favor
The Best Job You Can Find

Crazy Happy

Happiness quote/ life quote/ DelTorchio 10.14.2016 The most memorable people in my life are crazy. Funny thing: those people are also the happiest. You don’t need to be crazy to be happy but it sure can’t hurt.


Original graphic and quote: Stephanie DelTorchio

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Carpe Your F*cking Diem

Carpe Diem quote/inspirational quote/adult language quote/seize the day/ Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “We are always getting ready to live but never living.”

Stop over-planning. Stop wasting time. Start living.


Original graphic and quote: Stephanie DelTorchio

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Life Is Not Lost By Dying

Life is not lost by dying/Stephen Vincent Benet/inspirational quote/ DelTorchio

Minutes add up or get taken away until you go on to your next life assignment. It all depends on how you look at.



Original graphic: Stephanie DelTorchio
Quote: Stephen Vincent Benet



With These Two Hands

Mold your life quote/Stephanie DelTorchio/ quote

Today is the clay that becomes my tomorrow. It’s up to me to take it in my hands; to shape it and mold it and create something I am proud to show the world.” Stephanie DelTorchio

Every day we alone are responsible for how we shape the day.

A string of days becomes a season. A string of seasons, a life.

Mold it any way you want, into what ever speaks to you. Do it with intent. By grace. With faith. Know that whatever you choose to create is the visible representation of your  purpose on this planet. WHOA…right?

But on the days when what you mold ends up looking like a piece of sh*t…there’s GOOD NEWS!! The beauty of your daily lump of clay is that it bends and twists and becomes whatever you will it to be.

You get to fuel that frustration and smash it flat. And start again. And again. And again.


Original graphic and quote: Stephanie DelTorchio

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Live Your Life Like A Movie

Life like a movie/movie quote/Jim Henson quote/ DelTorchio/10.6.2016 You can motivate yourself by living your life as if leading up to a movie ending. Think about the scene just before the final credits run. Yep, that life.

The three best moving endings are:

  1. POSITIVE. This is a general ending. Nothing wrong with this one. It’s nice. Satisfying. You enjoyed it.
  2. SURPRISE. A good ending. More than expected. You’ll talk about this one. So will others.
  3. MEANINGFUL. A great ending. One that gets talked about for years. It stays with others long after your gone.

It’s up to us to live the life that leads to the ending we want.

Original graphic: Stephanie DelTorchio

Show Me Yours and I’ll Show You Mine

personal struggle/inspirational quote/Stephanie DelTorchio/

“No matter your battle, no matter your scars — visible or invisible — there were times when you were in a worse place and survived. Enjoy this day.”

I started this blog as a survivor’s celebration. One man. One woman. One family.

The purpose here is to share with you how to find the awesome in every day. Like I know, right?

But this is big news. The other day marked a huge anniversary of receiving a life saving bone marrow transplant — 17 years. This is stupidly remarkable.

The day we learned of the cancer prognosis was the worse day of our lives. If we were betting people we’d not have taken a two dollar bet to survive one month. Yet here we are. And a good reason why we don’t gamble.

Rewind a moment. Almost immediately we dug our heels in deep and vowed to fight like hell. “Finding the awesome” was a noble idea, a head fake to mask the truth when the world as we knew it felt twisted and rung dry.

That silver lining, the one everybody says to look for? Yeah, I didn’t find it most days. In real time my life imploded by the minute.

Here’s what I learned: A change in attitude is possible if you try really, really hard. But it ain’t easy when you feel bombarded and confused and out of your element.  When everything you believed was your future and everyone you trusted to support you, suddenly folded up their tents and moved the circus out of town.

You hurt and bleed, and in time, regroup and carry on. As many times as necessary. But the scars are deep, and on days when they still itch I wear long sleeves.

Time heals all wounds? Whoever the f*ck said that has never even had a paper cut. Time may mask all wounds. Time may crust over all wounds. But the scar tissue remains deep under the surface. What you see on the outside fades to thin silvery white streaks barely noticeable to the normal eye. But you know. You carry them with you forever.

I totally forgot about this scar on my kneecap until the other day. Weird I thought. Where’d I get that? Then the day came back vividly. Hovey School playground. Third grade. I was wearing brand new red tartan cotton pants — just had to wear them after school because they were new. The boys and I raced around the schoolyard on bikes. I slid on a patch of gravel and hit the pavement hard, knee first, dragging my leg few feet under the bike. Ripped pants, lots of blood and a flap of skin.

The silver lining? The bike was okay. The boys made sure I was okay. I held it together as I walked the bike home, my leg killing me but not wanting them to see me cry.

I had totally forgotten about it but when I rubbed my knee, just like that the memory came back.

The other night in bed, watching the eleven o’clock news, my husband just drifting off to sleep I remembered something. I leaned over and gently shook him: “Happy Birthday,” I said. “Seventeen years.”

It took him a minute to open his eyes and smile.

“Really? I totally forgot.”

“You did?”

“No, I think about it everyday…I just forgot it was today. Unbelievable, huh?”



Original graphic and quote: Stephanie DelTorchio

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8 Ways To Shift Circumstances In Your Favor

George Bernard Shaw quote/inspirational/motivation/ DelTorchio/9.21.2016

Some things in this life we cannot change. And no amount of wailing or whining helps, regardless of how Oscar-worthy our performance. Blaming our circumstances as the reason we can’t or don’t move forward is an excuse.

“David,” the son of alcoholic parents was tossed around the foster care system with two younger siblings until he ran away for good at sixteen. One foster family changed his name to “Michael” because they had a son by the same name.

Despite David’s troubled childhood he went on to have an honorable life with a wife and family. Sadly, his brother and sister died young from substance abuse. David was able to reconcile with his elderly and ill father in time to mend some wounds before his death.

What separated David from his siblings? Why did he fare better?

In his own words, he “made different choices.” He couldn’t change the circumstances of his upbringing, he said. Water under the bridge. But he sure as hell needn’t let his future be controlled by his past.

Whether he was aware or not, David committed to specific tactics that changed his life. Here are few —

8 Ways to Shift Your Circumstances:

1.Let those people go

People rank high on this list. If they’re messing with you, do your very best to cut them off, wave sayonara, send them light and love and kick them the f*ck out of your life once and for all.

2. Take this job and shove it

Ditto for a job or boss who doesn’t honor your time or talents or plain out makes you miserable. You need employment for many years to pay-to-play in this world. Find something that you’ll happily trade your precious time for a paycheck. And for someone who will value your contributions, and reward you. Or do it yourself.

“Circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him.” – Wayne Dwyer 

3. Engage socially

Call on your tribe. Hang out with the right people, those who will support and share your ideas and ideals. Join groups or organizations that feed your mind and soul, if that’s what it takes. Often our circumstances will change based on the company we keep. 

4. Big changes need big action

We know the definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result. If it’s a big change in your circumstances you want to make, you’ll need to take some big and ballsy actions. Step out of your comfort zone. Stick all your fears in your back pocket and take them along. Be brave.

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” — Nido Qubein

5. Go back to your childhood

Think back to when you were young. What made you laugh and happy when you were playing? You probably played OUTSIDE even in the rain. For hours and hours. You lost track of time building a “jigger” (go-cart), ice-skating, playing sandlot baseball or domestic bliss with your Easy Bake Oven. Play again. Get lost in the day again. Be childlike not childish.

6. Accept what is truly out of your control

Besides crooked front teeth or tropical storms, there are times when life’s unfortunate circumstances can feel as if darts have been hurled in our direction. We escape as best we can using every resource and tool we possess. Still, even with all our hard core training, awards, college degrees and adult smarts, there are days when life is a slow trudge through the mud. You just do the best you can.

“You can often change your circumstances by changing your attitude.”– Eleanor Roosevelt

7. Practice Gratitude

Nothing pushes the woe-is-me off the wall like making a list of blessings in your life. From a roof over your head to a working bladder, giving a shout-out to the Universe for what you DO have is a humbling exercise. It’s not a bad plan to make a short list every day before your feet hit the worn carpet that you’re also grateful for.

8. Get Quiet

Take a walk. Read a book. Meditate. Pray. Whatever works to calm your breathing and put your mind in park. Call it returning to center. Focus. Give it a name if you must as long as the result is a peaceful state of rest.

Back to “David” for a minute.

A tough childhood may have explained his behavioral issues as a teenager or his hardened opinion on what makes a healthy family. But at some point in his life he let the swan sing its song. No lying…he needed to get tough on himself and fight through a lot of hurt and anger. He chose who he wanted to become. The result was, for him, a happy life.

When it comes to coping and/or outwitting the less tragic circumstances, be more strategic. (Note: Of course Big Shit circumstances require more time and more than a few boxes of Band-Aids to fix.)

There’s no magic potion or quick fix being offered here. Old-fashion grit and tenacity, and a willing spirit, can put the odds in your favor to shift your circumstances. Not to just survive but thrive.

Notes from me to you:

What are some of the ways you’ve tried in the past to shift your circumstances?
Please comment below. Your insights and tips will help other people.


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Original graphic & quote: Stephanie DelTorchio


The Best Job You Can Find

Turning your passion into a job/Seth Godin quote/ DelTorchio/inspiration/motivation9.21.2016

A re you lucky enough to work at a job that matches your passion? Raise your hand. Good. Go and walk the dog or make breakfast.

For the rest of us still floating around the galaxy, Seth Godin‘s words of advice are not out of this world. They’re worth exploring.

Turning your passion into your job is easier than finding a job that matches your passion. Seth…

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This life “assignment” as my uncle says, is brief. This we know. So why do we continue to spend hours and hours working at a job that feels alien?

COMING SOON! I’m tackling the subject of passion using real-world doable assignments to rediscover what you already love and enjoy, and finding a way to turn it into a job you’ll love until your next assignment. I’m calling this quest, “The Passion Explorer”. In a four-part series we’ll go through some questions and exercises to help you match your passion with a job, second career or side hustle.

Got questions? Write them in the comments below.


Original graphic: Stephanie DelTorchio





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